Peregrine espresso
Peregrine espresso

peregrine espresso

If you're looking for a nice cafe, Peregrine Espresso is. Cost was reasonable, and the environment was mostly clean. A variety of other drinks and pastries were available as well.

peregrine espresso

The drinks were excellent with a unique fresh-roasted taste.


  • Mostly an assortment of baked goods here as opposed to a full menu of food. We stopped at Peregrine Espresso for some lattes.
  • The shops are compact for the most part so I might suggest this is a shop to take your brews and go.
  • Make a point to do so when you come here, because this shop is serving something truly special. You just have to love a place for that kind of skill.

    peregrine espresso

    The shop deserves the accolades heaped on it for the simple reason that it’s just a peaceful and enjoyable place to stop and appreciate the coffee by itself. A few baked goods and snack bars are on the menu if you like, but this is a place that is all about the coffee and that’s the most important thing. The shops have a kind of fun and lighter feel the East Market location, the original, is more of a compact coffee shop with a large patio for people to sit and spent time, while the Union Market location is smaller, denser and more of a stall in the middle of all of the similar restaurant concepts in the building. Haga clic para ver otros datos sobre este sitio. Iced, it might lack some of that froth that people always love, and the photogenic top, but on those hot and muggy DC days, the flavor most definitely delivers in that realm. En España, ocupa el puesto 869.634, con un estimado de < 300 visitantes mensuales.

  • Latte: Like every good lighter drink, this one relies a lot on the whole milk to make it a sweeter and more pleasant drink.
  • Espresso is always a strong drink, and invariable you have to know that going in, but if you’re partial to it, a good drink.
  • Espresso: The simplicity of this brew is always the gift, lightly frothy and with a deep, deep and striking bitterness and a comfortable smokiness where appropriate.
  • Peregrine’s sister company, Small Planes Coffee, roasts most of the brews that make up its menu, with beans sourced from Guatemala, Central America and many places with a focus on sustainable, ethical sourcing.

    Peregrine espresso